Keyboard Skills
This course isn't exactly piano lessons, but it wouldn't exactly be wrong to describe it that way.
This course is free to members.
The object is to give all you two-fingered, hunt-and-peck 'keyboard players' a boost. Most producers find themselves plunking out chords and melodies, often on tiny keyboards. In our experience, with a little help, you can get that job done more efficiently. If you weren't shredding onstage before this class, don't expect to do it after. This music production elective may not turn you into a gigging musician, but you can absolutely expect to hammer out songs, play some groovy chords, and have your workflow significantly altered for the better!
Course Length: 6 hours in total
Course Meets: Live in select cities
In-person Studio Sessions: yes
Studio Session Locations: TBD
Office & Lab Hours Available: Yes (with membership)