Nathan Rosenberg
Seattle, WA
musical storyteller
I'm Nathan Rosenberg and I started Beat Kitchen.
I'm a 'recovering' New York City jazz musician turned composer, producer, and studio owner. I currently live in Seattle.
Amongst the things for which I am proudest are that I've worked, performed with, and produced some of my own heroes. My background spans many genres and I've produced media for all sorts of stuff like records, picture, commercials and video games.
Back in 2014, faced with a quickly changing landscape in music production, I began the process of closing my beloved New York City studio, the Doghouse NYC. Desperate to stay creative and eager to innovate, I joined a revolutionary school: SFPC, The School for Poetic Computation. Here, I began a process of deconstructing the way in which creatives approach technical learning. Although I always continued to make music professionally, for nearly 10 years, I have been working on this problem. I have taught at some of the most prestigious audio training institutions in the world, and I have designed their curricula. I have listened to students, I have spoken with teachers, I have watched the industry evolve and grow. But it became clear to me that I would never truly be satisfied until I built something from the ground up — a place steeped in community, mastery, innovation, and the joy that can only come when one has the freedom to make mistakes along the path to creating something beautiful. That was my kitchen, and what I created — I hope — will be yours.